Sell Easily | FREE Confidential Quote | No Hassle! | ZERO Fees | No Repairs Needed | No Open Houses | We pay All Closing Costs | We close FAST!
The traditional method of selling is expensive, time consuming, exhausting and outdated but thanks to Help Us Help You, Inc. Selling your property has never been easier!
Selling to A Real Estate Agent
Selling to Help Us Help You, Inc.
Commissions / Fees:
Up to 6%, paid by you, the seller
Who Pays Closing Costs?:
3% on average is paid by you, the seller
NONE – Help Us Help You, Inc. pays ALL Closing Costs
Financing Contingency*
Yes, sales can fall through
NONE –Help Us Help You, Inc. buys with cash
Appraisal Needed:
Yes, the sale is often subject to appraisal
NONE –Help Us Help You, Inc. make cash offers
Average Days Until Sold:
+/- 91 Days up to years
24-72 hour FREE CASH OFFER
Number of Showings:
2 (Video Walk-Throughs)1before offer & 1 before closing
Closing Date:
30-60 +/- days after accepting buyers offer
Typicallyin 7 daysor lessafter our offer is accepted
Who Pays For Repairs?:
You -The seller and it’s Negotiated During the Inspection Period
You will not have to make repairsto the property
The amount of time, money, and stress involved with listing your house adds up
The months it takes to sell can add up. Your home is costing you money the whole time it sits on the market.
For instance: As a seller, you may be experiencing double mortgages, double electric bills, double water bills, double property insurance costs, double property taxes, double HOA fees – including fines if you are an out of state owner and/or just can’t maintain the property, double lawn care costs-you have to pay to keep your current home mowed as well as the one that you are trying to sell
You have to constantly watch for squatters taking over your empty house – who have to be evicted through the courts before being made to leave-which could take months if the court system is backed up, which it usually is
Furthermore, squatters will hinder your ability to show the property and sell it through a realtor. You will also have to worry about theft of appliances, plumbing, and vandalism, and because of all of this, most sellers just can’t afford to wait 90 days to 6 months and even longer to sell their house.
Inasmuch, if you can’t afford the upkeep until your house sells, or if you can’t sell within a certain amount of time, you risk your property going into foreclosure
You will then have a foreclosure on your credit report to which could keep you from purchasing a home for up to 8 years and increase interest rates on new credit that you take out, that’s if you can qualify for new credit due to the foreclosure
Plenty of showings and disruption to your life: Not only do you have to get your house ready to show – which usually costs a lot of money to jazz it up and make it neutral to everyone’s liking but the number of showings can provide a serious disruption to your life
Imagine having hundreds of strangers popping in and out of your home, throughout the day, and especially during a Pandemic, possibly spreading COVID-19 and other germs. That alone could be very dangerous and life-threatening to you and your family
Also, you may wanna spend time with your significant other, friends, or family or simply go out to eat or on vacation but may have to postpone everything, unless you trust realtors and potential buyers/strangers being in your home, rambling through your things when you’re NOT there
With a Realtor, it takes forever to close It takes anywhere from 30-60 days to close after accepting a buyer’s offer – that’s assuming you get a good appraisal, your house passes inspection, and if the buyer’s financing doesn’t fall through
If you flunk any of these and the buyer’s financing does fall through, you may as well get ready to let your house sit on the market all over again until another buyer comes along and if their financing falls through, you can expect to repeat the cycle all over again
Because of the Pandemic, people financing will likely fall through. The Pandemic has caused a lot of people’s financial situations to suddenly change for the worst, even shortly after being approved for a mortgage loan
Their new financial hardship will hinder their ability to pay their bills on time and because of this, they will take hits against their credit and their scores will instantly go down and will be different from when the Lender originally approved them for a loan
Some even lose their job or take a sudden reduction in pay. Some are reduced from a full-time employee to a part-time employee before they are even able to close on the home they are buying, and just so you know, Lenders do a final credit check right before closing to make sure that the buyer is still in the same healthy financial situation they were in or better when they initially approved them for a loan
Checking credit again right before lending the buyer money is one of the final measures of the Lending company
Not everyone makes the cut. Some may start with strong income and excellent credit but by the time it’s time to close, they could lose their job, get a reduction in pay, and suddenly start paying their bills late or stop paying them altogether- which will inevitably affect their credit and bring their scores down drastically, and when the Lender sees this, they will totally back out of the deal and the deal will fall through
So, as you can see, it can be a very devastating roller coaster ride and an emotional process. It’s like running to the finish line, thinking you are about to sell your home and once you get there, someone constantly moves the line back, so you never reach your goal
3% – 6% in closing costs paid by you, the seller: On average, a seller is responsible for up to 3%of the sales price in the form of closing costs
Each buyer usually expects the seller to at least pay 1/2 of all closing costs which is normally 3% of the sales price but a vast majority, expect the seller to pay for ALL of the closing costs
A vast number of buyers feel that it’s only fair for the seller to pay for ALL of the closing costs being that they had to come up with a sizable down payment, pay a mortgage loan origination fee, a credit report pulling fee, an inspection fee to make sure the house passes, and an appraisal fee
All lenders require appraisals on properties where loans are taken out
Furthermore, the money that you would be asked to pay in closing costs is paid to entice your buyer and help seal the deal but will definitely affect your proceeds
Fees and commissions stack up: In addition to closing costs, commissions and fees stack up and reduce how much goes in your pocket. On average, 6% in Real Estate commissions/fees are paid by the seller
You could be on the hook for repairs: Inspections are never fun and are always full of surprises. Just when you thought your home was good enough to go on the market, a potential buyer has an inspection done and it uncovers countless repairs that are needed before your home can pass inspection
FYI – Your home will need to pass inspection before the Lender can release funds to the closing agency, so the buyer can purchase your house
If your house does NOT pass inspection, the Realtors will have to disclose the defects – everything that’s wrong with your home to potential buyers
In conjunction, the Lender will NOT lend money to buyers so they can purchase your home until you do ALL of the necessary repairs to get your property to pass inspection
Depending on what pops up during the inspection, you could suddenly be on the hook for repairs that you didn’t know you needed and could be out of thousands and in a lot of cases, tens of thousands of dollars in repairs before being able to sell to traditional buyers
The Home or Property Appraisal plays a big part in the Lender lending money
The “Home Appraisal” is a very important component in the loan process
Since a Home Appraisal determines the value of the home, it also plays a role in how much a mortgage lender can lend you for your home financing
Say for instance you have your home listed for $200k with a Realtor but due to extensive repairs that are needed, your home only appraises for $150k
In this case, the lender will not loan the buyer any money over the amount of the appraisal
The Lender will only lend your buyer a maximum amount of $150k but in most cases, the Mortgage Lender will lend even less as they usually want buyers to put down 20% of the LTV loan-to-value, appraised value of the home
If your house or property needs extensive and expensive repairs, chances are, it will appraise way lower than your asking price – the price that you set with a Realtor
Therefore, Lenders will not be willing to lend buyers enough money to purchase your home at your asking price
The risk to a lender is simply too great if there is no appraisal, and on top of that, no money will be released until you make all of the necessary repairs, so your home passes inspection
All of this can be avoided by selling your property to Help Us Help You, Inc.
Help Us Help You, Inc. are cash buyers. We pay cash for all properties and our purchases are not contingent upon appraisals, financing, repairs, down payments
We simply pay cash for your property and in many cases, can close in as little as7days. 7days is the minimum because that’s how long it usually takes the results from the title search to come back
Once the title comes back clear, we are ready to close. That means You get paid, and we take that burdensome property off of your hands!
WE TYPICALLY CLOSE IN 7 DAYS OR LESS. We use private funds which allow us to offer FAST Closings. As Soon as the Title company provides the title report and closing documents, we can close the transaction
YOU PAY NO FEES OR COMMISSIONS. When Help Us Help You, Inc. buys your property you save money. We pay ALL traditional closing costs, PLUS you won’t have to pay real estate commissions. Most Realtor commissions are 6% and closing costs can be as high as 3% of sales price but we got you
SAFETY AND SECURITY. All paperwork and funds will be handle by a licensed title company, which is regulated by the state of Texas. Your transaction will be safe and secure
Help Us Help You, Inc. will make you a fair FREE Cash Offer so you can sell without the hassles and stress of listing your property with a Realtor
No Showings – No Hassles Help Us Help You, Inc. buys your house “as-is” as long as the property meets our buying criteria, so there are no open houses, no weekend showings, and no need to fix it up first
Zero fees. Zero commissions: Since Help Us Help You, Inc. is buying your property, you won’t have to come out of pocket for fees and commissions
We’ll cover any repairs: Does your house need repairs? We’ll handle them for you. You can even leave behind unwanted items and we’ll haul them off
MOVE OUT AND LEAVE CLEAN UP TO US. We understand that moving can be a very stressful time; therefore, we work with you to make it as easy as possible. Take what you want and leave what you don’t want behind
NO REPAIRS NEEDED – We buy every single property “AS-IS” as long as it meets our buying criteria. That means, you won’t have to spend money fixing up your property and you’ll save thousands of dollars in expensive repairs. You won’t even have to clean the house either. Our crew will handle that
EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE. Because you are dealing with a professional company, we have a team that is dedicated 100%, so we can ensure a smooth transaction
Competitive cash offer within 24-72 hours: Tell us about your house, then we’ll carefully evaluate it with local market expertise and provide you a FREE Cash Offer
You choose your closing day: Once we make an offer, we can close in days, not months. You pick the date that is best for you
Help Us Help You, Inc. pays ALL closing costs: Closing costs can add up, which is why we cover them for you. Absolutely zero extra costs or hidden fees
Sell Easily | FREE Confidential Quote | No Fees | No Commissions | No Repairs to Make | No Open Houses | We pay ALL Closing Costs | We close quickly!